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Dr. Bhade

Dr. Bhade is a medical professional who indulges in homeopathy and naturopathy who has various clinics around Pune


Since Dr. Subodh Bhade is a practicing professional doctor who consults at multiple clinics, he wanted appropriate office supplies that are consistent, in order to hand out when necessary


Studio Ogaan was tasked with coming up with office supplies to be used by the doctor


Identity & Branding


Dr. Badhe





Printing Solutions

Environment Branding


Studio Ogaan was commissioned to come up with coherent  designs to apply on collaterals such as visiting cards, envelopes,  prescription pads, as well as packaging solutions.


All the elements were executed while making sure they remain coherent with the visuals of a doctor’s clinic 

Apart from this we also delivered a colour pallet that aligned with the office supplies they could use for their interiors in the hopes of maintaining consistency

As well as we provide a colour pallet for Clinic interior Which is maintain consistency at all clinics 


The final designing was displayed on writing instruments, visiting cards, letterheads, prescription pads, and envelopes

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